Read up on the signs and symptoms of each and find out what to do if your child is suffering from one. Also, learn about preventing hot car deaths.
However, if fireworks are legal where you live and you decide to set some off on your own, make sure to follow these 6 fireworks safety tips before you do.
Find out how to avoid contamination, and learn how to treat poison ivy if your child comes into contact with it.
If you do find one on your child, you’ll need to remove it as soon as possible, and watch for these signs and symptoms, as they might indicate Lyme disease and will require medical attention.
Use this list of pool safety guidelines to make sure your whole family stays safe. Many of the same rules apply for swimming safety as well, so educate your child before he enjoys splashing around.
Refer to these easy-to-follow summer food safety tips to keep your food safe for consumption.
Make sure to talk to your kids about stranger danger, and what to do if they get lost. Many facilities will have staff who are well-trained in helping lost children, so educate your child on who to look for in case he gets separated from you.
Also, this bike safety article is a fun and easy way to educate your child on how to stay safe on two wheels.